How to get the most out of the 40 Day Discovery

Winter in Minnesota gets to be long – especially at this time of year. Over the months of diminished daylight and sometimes we lose momentum on our spiritual growth. We start the New Year with high hopes and great expectations. We promise ourselves that this year will be different. Sometimes, though, we need a little extra motivation. Whether to add a new discipline or recharge our batteries, this discovery has something for you.

The value of a corporate journey like this is that we get to hear Christ over an extended period of time together.  There is great synergy when we are all learning to listen to Christ together.  We will hear the same theme together on Sunday that individuals are hearing personally throughout the week.  We will share together through new relationships with one another and learn from one another.  As we focus our thoughts on a single theme, God will speak to us profoundly. His dangerous prayers are contagious and we will find ourselves learning to pray like he prayed!

Your participation is completely voluntary.  You may engage in any or all of the following parts of the spiritual discovery.  No one will check on your progress.  We are not going to track participation of individuals.  We are not going to lay guilt on you if you don’t choose to participate fully.  Simply put, what follows is a suggestion for you to gain the most value from our journey together. 

1.      Engage in weekly worship and actively listen to messages on the theme.
2.      Start to pray for five friends whom you will invite to worship on Easter Sunday.
3.      Practice the discipline of daily devotional and prayer times using this guidebook for your personal journal.
4.      Join a 40-Day Life Group and share your insights into what God is teaching you. Learn some new ways to pray together and see how God answers.
5.      Let the power of God’s Word renew and transform you during your journey as you memorize suggested portions of Scripture.
6.      Participate in Vespers on April 3.


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